Rumah Desa, an engaging cooking class program located in the village of Baru in the Marga district of Tabanan, invites you to experience the unique and authentic culture, art, wisdom, ritual and philosophy of Bali through a culinary journey. The founders of Rumah Desa ( 'Village House' ) urge visitors to the island to "Don't just go to Bali for holiday, but go for a real experience - explore the real Bali by making original Balinese cuisine such as cakes, coffee, coconut oil, brown sugar, rice wine, spice pastes and more through our Balinese cooking class".
Balinese Kitchen |
The experience has visitors exploring nature, rice fields, farms, local schools, and trekking or by bike and take past small village through the rice field seeing firsthand the Balinese way of daily life. and also learn the irrigation system, garden with various plan such as coffee, vanilla, cacao, medical plants, etc. The balance of life is also a focus. Enjoying food, nature and various healthy activities are all part of the experience at Rumah Bali.
Banjar Baru, Marga, Tabanan - Bali
Tel. (0361) 7907071
Fax. (0361) 725813
Website :
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